Aurora of Rainbow Fire chapter three: The People's 
Coalition Against Capitalist Exploitation.
	A Tenchi Muyo TV series lemon comedy by Nugar.  
	Email the author at with any comments.
	All characters and situations copyright their creators, 
Hiroki Hayashi and Masaki Kajishima, and AiC and Pioneer and are 
used without permission.  This is a nonprofit work only.
	Tenchi awoke from a highly erotic dream with a violent 
sneeze and a somewhat more pleasurable shudder to find himself 
sleeping on the wet spot.
	More specifically, he _was_ the wet spot.  Cold, clammy, 
sticky moisture now made his boxers cling to his body in an 
entirely new and unusual way as he sat up in bed, twisting his t-
shirt around so that it no longer choked him.  
	Not being completely sheltered, Tenchi quickly figured out 
just what that meant.  Three nanoseconds later, he blushed so 
brightly red he practically glowed in the predawn gloom.
	HE had done THAT.
	In his SHORTS.
	Masturbation was one thing.  He wasn't proud of it, 
wouldn't admit to it, and sure didn't think about it, but it was 
within his experience.  Hell, it was all he was getting lately.
	But apparently, it just didn't cut it, and the backflow had 
finally managed to burst forth.  This had never happened to him 
	He thought furiously, trying to recapture the errant dream.
	Let's see...  Patiently explaining the earth custom of 
stabbing people with carrots to Mihoshi?  ...No, probably not.  
Tenchi couldn't figure out where that one had come from.  
	Tied up and trapped in a laboratory with Washu, who was 
desperately trying to extract some sort of fluid sample from him 
but kept getting pulled away by her experiments?  He got an 
erection just from the thought.  Close...  But still probably not 
it.  Washu really just wasn't his type, something to do with the 
childlike body.  
	Hmm, maybe that dream of what Kiyone was going to do to 
Mihoshi with the vibrator, the rubber hose, and the length of 
rope?  His breathing went a little shallow at the thought.  Oooh.  
He didn't think Kiyone had meant she was going to do _that_, 
really, especially considering how incredibly pissed she had been 
at the time.  The Great Sextoy Hunt had not gone well.  But 
really, in that sort of context, what was a young, horny, 
frustrated guy going to think when she'd said that?
	No, that still wasn't it.  Think, boy, think.  What was 
that last dream...?  He lay back again, laying one arm over his 
eyes to think better.
	Tenchi was in the living room.  Why was he there?  He 
didn't know.  But Ryoko was there, and Ayeka was there, and he 
really really really wanted to have sex with them.  Really 
	Ayeka was kissing Ryoko, and Ryoko was kissing Ayeka, and 
both of their arms and legs... And where were their clothes?  
Doesn't matter.  Their hands were here and there and there and it 
was really starting to give him a woody and then he was in the 
middle and oooOOOHH! UG! UG! UGGH! UUGGGG! UUUuuuuhhhh...  
	Ah, that was the one.
	Tenchi ruefully considered the fresh addition to his 
shorts, then decided that maybe he should clean himself up and do 
his level best to avoid thinking about anything sexual for the 
rest of the day.	
	With a slight grimace of effort, he levered himself out of 
bed and walked over to get some clean shorts.  It was sort of 
funny; his muscles felt so much like quivering jelly that he 
nearly fell.
	Hmm, should he try to sneak to the bathroom and get a bath 
first, maybe risking being seen with wet shorts?  Or should he 
bite the bullet and change now?
	Deciding to change his shorts then, Tenchi stripped them 
off, leaving himself clad in nothing but his shirt.
	(What a mess,) he thought ruefully, looking down at 
himself.  (I hope spring vacation gets here soon.)
	And thus it was that Ryoko found him when she phased 
through the wall behind him.
	Tenchi didn't notice.
	Ryoko had been intending to wake him up gently if she found 
him asleep, so hadn't called out a cheery 'Good morning!' as she 
entered.  Suddenly seeing Tenchi awake, standing up, and with his 
bare rear end peeking out from under his shirt had the immediate 
effect of changing her plans.
	Flying was infinitely more silent than walking, so Ryoko 
simply hung in mid-aid, floating gently to right behind the 
clueless boy, then, as he bent over, she grabbed a cheek in each 
hand and squeezed.
	"YAAAH!" he yelled in surprise, straightening, jumping, and 
grabbing his butt in what was essentially the same movement.  His 
head jerked around so quickly it nearly gave him whiplash, and 
when he saw who it was, he glared furiously.  "Ryoko!  Don't do 
	"Good morning to you too, Tenchi!" she chirped brightly.  
Then, bending at the waist, she gave another bright "And to you 
too!" a little lower.
	Blushing furiously, he covered himself with both forearms 
as he tried to get his shorts on quick enough to spare further 
embarrassment.  "Good morning to you, too, Ryoko," he replied as 
he jerked the drawstrings tight and tried to unobtrusively nudge 
his soiled other pair under the bed. 
	She grabbed him into a hug, wrapping herself around him and 
french kissing him into a good mood. 
	Surprised at first, Tenchi responded quickly, thrusting his 
tongue at hers and sighing as she gently bit and tugged at his 
	When she finally let go, Tenchi staggered back lightheaded 
and sat down heavily on the bed.
	Ryoko followed suit in her own special way, wrapping her 
legs around his waist and sitting in his lap facing him.  "Well, 
I'd ask why you were _up_ so early, but I have a _deep_ feeling 
that the reason is me," she purred seductively into his ear.
	"Huh?" Tenchi replied cleverly.
	"Good boy!" Ryoko said, laughing, and gave him another 
quick peck before leaning in to whisper in his ear.  "Now, here's 
what I want you to do..." 
	As she had cleverly planned, at that moment Tenchi would 
have agreed to anything.
	Ayeka was asleep.
	This is in fact something of an understatement.  To say 
'Ayeka was asleep.' is like saying 'The sun was hot.' or 'Washu 
was a genius.' The stress of a highly pleasurable but interrupted 
dream, nearly getting killed by Ryoko over an innocent prank, 
sleeping in the same bed with the same, and waking up several 
times in a short period to prevent their completely platonic 
relationship from being jeopardized had taken its toll on Ayeka's 
much needed rest.
	So, when she finally had gotten back to sleep, it had been 
the deep sleep of the exhausted.  She lay on her stomach; face 
sideways on her pillow, both hands protectively covering her 
head.  So, as it stood, Ayeka was asleep.
	And then those wandering, naughty hands just _had_ to run 
up and down her body, exploring every nook and cranny.  It wasn't 
unpleasant, just unasked for.  
	Gentle fingers brushed her hair back from her ear, stroking 
the fine dark mass and directing the braid to the side.  Light 
fingertips traced the delicate shell of her ear, then trailed 
down to her back and firmly rubbed the muscles there.  
	Her smooth breathing broke several times to sigh in 
pleasure, and then shifted slightly as her buttocks were caressed 
and kneaded.  A certain stimuli woke a response buried deeply in 
her subconscious, and at a light cupping touch along her side she 
obediently rolled over onto the opposite side, comfortably 
pressing her behind into the person sharing the futon with her.
	Encouraged by the response, a tongue lapped at her ear, 
drawing the lobe in to where it could be nibbled on easily.  The 
only hand now free wrapped around and trailed lightly up her 
stomach, sending ripples of muscle contractions along its path 
until it cupped her breast.  Diligent fingers found the telltale 
bump of a nipple through the cloth, teasing it and tweaking it 
until it stood out firmly enough to be fondled with ease.
	Her breathing changed, becoming more and more shallow and 
irregular.  She was on the verge of waking up.
	Responding to unseen commands, the hand went lower, 
gingerly picking through the layers of cloth until it could 
finally pick at the waistband of her panties.
	And that was when Ayeka was no longer awake, her eyes open 
and staring straight ahead.	
	The radical change in breathing was noticed immediately, 
and the hand froze.
	After a few long seconds, Ayeka realized that she was 
holding her breath and let it out, consciously returning to her 
earlier steady pattern.
	"Whew.  I thought she woke up like last time.  Can't have 
that," came Ryoko's voice, very, very, very quietly.  
	The hand restarted, gently pulling away the elastic and 
slipping in, slowly getting closer until it rested firmly over 
her mound.
	Ayeka's breathing faltered several times, and thoughts 
raced through her head.  (Ryoko!  She wasn't asleep!  She was 
just faking!  And now she's...  She's...  Am I just going to 
_let_ her?)  
	Firm pressure from one fingertip parted the outer labia and 
barely touched the sensitive nub of her clitoris.  The effect was 
	"Ryoko!  Don't do that!" Ayeka yelled as she jerked the 
hand out and used the arm as leverage to roll over and face the 
	"Good morning to you too, Ayeka!" Tenchi chirped brightly 
and kissed her on the end of the nose.
	Ryoko floated gently to the ground on his other side, 
	"Tenchi!  What?!" she exclaimed in confusion, sitting up on 
her futon and staring about wildly.  
	Struggling up herself, Ryoko choked out, "Wakey wakey, 
_Ayeka-chan_!  Wake up before the big bad pirate ravishes you!" 
before collapsing in a fresh fit of giggles.
	Tenchi smiled in amusement as well, but privately didn't 
think it was quite _that_ funny.
	Ayeka didn't think it was funny at all, but was left 
glaring in impotent fury.  
	Finally, her mirth subsided for a time, Ryoko stood up and 
smirked at the princess.  "Really now, it was just as joke.  But 
I was surprised, you were actually going to let me!"  Seeing 
Ayeka's look, she cut her off before she could say anything.  
"Oh, no, don't give me that 'I was asleep' crap.  You were awake 
long before that."
	"AND," Ryoko continued, "I know you didn't know it was 
Tenchi because your shoulders were so stiff."
	Ayeka finally just extended her glare rather than creating 
a new one.
	"Oh, no!  Is my lover mad at me?" Ryoko asked worriedly, 
the light tone offsetting the mocking words.  "Is widdle Ayeka-
chan going to kick me out of our bed?  No more nookie?  Oh, no!  
Anything but that!"  She got on her hands and knees, groveling at 
Ayeka's feet.
	Ayeka's jaw clenched and her hands balled into fists as she 
gradually got angrier and angrier, then, suddenly, she relaxed, 
the power that had been charging the air vanishing like morning 
dew.  She laughed.
	Ryoko stared in horror.  That wasn't how it was supposed to 
	Tenchi, who had been edging away from the probable battle, 
relaxed.  It had just been a little prank, after all.
	"Good one, good one," Ayeka applauded, even going so far as 
to clap several times, loudly and distinctly.  "You really had me 
going.  Ha ha ha, I'm being fondled by Ryoko in my own bed.  Oh, 
the horror.  And I fell for it big time.  That's very good, 
nicely planned out, perfect execution.  In fact, that's such a 
good prank that it completely outweighs the little cold water 
incident last night and any further revenge you seek would just 
be petty and cruel.  Right Tenchi?" she finished, fixing him with 
a Look that said 'Agree with me NOW and I'll conveniently forget 
this transgression.'
	Needless to say, it was a very succinct look.
	Tenchi gulped and nodded.  "Uh, yeah!  Petty and cruel..." 
he trailed off, giving Ayeka a pleading look.
	"There, you see?" Ayeka continued to Ryoko.  "Petty and 
cruel.  And no, I'm not worried about you doing something you're 
not supposed to do to me in bed.  In fact, I had a good night's 
sleep.  We should do that again tonight."  She gave Ryoko a 
slightly modified version of the Look, and the pirate wilted 
accordingly.  "Good," she continued, much more slowly and a good 
bit mock-lecherously, much to Ryoko's consternation.  "Now, let's 
get a bath.  We're going shopping today and I for one don't wish 
to smell like one of the unwashed mass."
	The water steamed around them as Ryoko and Ayeka soaked up 
the heat in the furo.  Ayeka was right, they did have a shopping 
trip planned for later, and it was good to be clean.
	"I've been thinking."
	"You?! Think?  No!" Ayeka exclaimed in mock astonishment.  
	"Hah hah."  Ryoko gave her a level stare.  "But I've been 
thinking about the Tenchi situation.
	"What would it take to get Tenchi appointed as a noble?"
	"A good idea.  Unfortunately, rather a lot, I'm afraid."  
Ayeka pursed her lips pensively.  "It's been done before, raising 
a commoner to the status of noble, usually the entire family.  
But only in the case of the person developing power like that of 
the Jurian royal family, both political and personal.  And unless 
Tenchi suddenly gets real popular with the Jurian empire and then 
wields an energy sword that he created without artificial means, 
we're out of luck."
	Ryoko frowned.  "But what about heroic deeds and stuff?"
	"Well...  That's happened before as well, although much 
less common.  He would have to perform some great deed for the 
empire, and the great deeds the empire needs performed are 
usually so great that only someone who has already fulfilled the 
first two conditions could actually do it."  She paused to let 
that sink in.  "Which pretty much puts us back where we started."
	"That's not really true," Ryoko countered.  "With both of 
our powers combined, I'm sure we could back Tenchi up enough for 
him to perform some great service to the empire."
	Ayeka shook her head.  "It has to be Tenchi's doing, and 
his alone."
	"Damn."  Ryoko shook her long cyan hair out and leaned back 
into the water, soaking it more.
	"Still, that was a good idea," Ayeka continued by way of 
encouragement.  "Maybe we could modify it.  I know!  He could 
capture and turn in the dread space pirate Ryoko!  And then he 
could be appointed as a noble and we could marry, and don't 
worry, we would visit you in prison..."  Ayeka ducked the splash 
of water Ryoko sent her way, but didn't react fast enough to 
prevent being dunked.
	Ah, the mall.  Nowhere else is capitalism found in quite so 
undiluted a form.  In many ways malls are like shrines to 
capitalism, and all the throngs of customers are simply devoted 
	And so it was among these throngs that Tenchi, Ryoko, 
Ayeka, and Sasami strolled.
	"Been a while, ain't it," Ryoko commented.
	"Quite," agreed Ayeka.  
	"If you two hadn't spent so much money on those silly 
clothes we could have done this more," Sasami chided.  "Although 
that is a nice whip."
	Tenchi glanced at Sasami in horror.
	Seeing his expression, Ayeka shrugged to him sheepishly.  
"Bridal training," she said, as if that explained all.
	Ryoko snickered and wrapped her arms around Tenchi, pulling 
him around a group of people going the other direction.  "Don't 
worry, Tenchi," she purred into his ear.  "I'll keep you safe 
from the perverted ways of those crazy Jurians."
	Tenchi smiled at her.  "Oh?  You'd rather I be subjected to 
your perverted ways?"
	"Damn straight!" 
	"Hmph!"  Ayeka and Sasami walked closer now that the group 
had passed, and Ayeka latched onto his arm and pulled him away, 
although she let go as soon as he was clear of Ryoko.  "Ryoko may 
have some good ideas," she began, smirking at her former rival,  
"but she hasn't shown much creativity yet."
	"Hey, just a minute!" Ryoko complained.
	"I know you get most of your ideas from Jurian literature.  
I've read 'Mutineer of the Kempian Moon' too, you know," Ayeka 
jabbed, grinning.
	Tenchi looked on, startled, as Ryoko actually blushed.  
"What?  Mutineer of the what?"
	"Never mind," grumbled Ryoko.
	"'Mutineer of the Kempian Moon', it's a series of Jurian 
romance novels," Sasami explained.  Then, seeing their collective 
looks, she asked, "What?  Ayeka had the collector's set, signed 
by the author.  I only read them once, really!"
	"Sasami!  You're much too young to have read those!"
	"Yeah, as much as a stick in the mud Ayeka is, she's right 
this time," Ryoko seconded.  "Those are a little too adult for 
	"And be the only girl I know that hadn't read them?  That's 
a little unfair."  She pouted slightly, looking away, which was 
good as they all had to swerve around a large tinkling fountain.
	"Just how 'adult' were these books?" Tenchi asked.  
	Ryoko shrugged.  "Hard to say.  I've got two of them, I'll 
let you read them when we get back."
	"I dunno," Tenchi replied doubtfully.
	"You might as well, Tenchi-chan," Ayeka interjected.  
"Perhaps a look into my home culture will help you in the days 
	"Well, maybe.  Are they the first two?"  Tenchi hated to 
start reading in the middle of a series.
	Ryoko snorted.  "No, but it won't matter."
	Ayeka nodded.
	Tenchi shrugged.  "Well, alright.  I seem to have found 
some time on my hands lately."
	Both girls grimaced.  "Don't remind me," Ryoko grumbled.  
Something else involving the words 'old man' was said too faintly 
for Tenchi to catch, which was probably just as well.
	"Hey look!" Tenchi exclaimed, looking farther ahead of the 
shops the girls were looking into.  "Cookies!  Who wants some?"
	All window-shopping ceased by mutual agreement and they 
made a beeline for the cookie stand.  A startling number of bills 
later, they were all richer in chocolate.
	"Just the thing to tide us over until lunch," Tenchi 
	"Speaking of lunch," Ayeka began, "do you remember where 
the café is that Mihoshi and Kiyone are supposed to meet us at?"
	Tenchi nodded.  "Yeah, I've been there several times.  It's 
on the lower floor on the other end of the mall," he said, 
gesturing behind them.  "It's a little after nine now, and they 
said that they would have lunch with us at noon, so we've got a 
few hours.  What does everyone want to do?"
	It is supposed that Tenchi can be forgiven for asking such 
a question of three young girls in a large mall.  
	"SHOP!" chorused three voices.
	Ryoko held a pose.  The sky-blue sundress she wore accented 
her hair nicely, and the little hat she had added made her look 
years younger, almost like a little schoolgirl.
	Tenchi, being the only audience at this time, studied it 
with a critical eye.  But not with a critical tongue.  "You look 
really good, Ryoko," he said honestly.  "You should try different 
dresses more often.  It does make you look much younger, 
however."  Then a mischievous look came into his eyes.  "Hey, 
Sasami!" he called.  "Come look at your new little sister!"
	"Ha ha," Ryoko deadpanned, smiling despite herself.
	Sasami emerged from the changing room in a yellow sundress 
of her own, also wearing a hat.  She looked at Ryoko for a minute 
before breaking into giggles.  "I see what you mean."  She struck 
a rather forceful pose and declared firmly, "Ryoko!  From now on 
I insist you call me Oneesan!"
	Ryoko laughed.  "Alright, Oneesan.  But you've got to call 
me Imoutochan!"
	"Well _Imoutochan_," Ayeka interjected as she stepped out 
of the changing room, "If you're going to be a part of the 
family, you've got to show respect to your older sisters."
	"Well, then, 'neechan, because I'm giving you respect, I 
won't tell you that you look like a little girl wearing her 
mother's dress."
	The flower print dress Ayeka had picked out to try on was 
just a little large for her, and the deeply cut neck flapped 
openly, not being strained to the limits of its containment like 
it had been designed to.
	Tenchi snickered.  "Yeah, I'm sorry, but I think that dress 
was made for someone much bigger."
	Ayeka frowned at them.  "Are you saying something about the 
fullness of my figure?"
	"Nonono!" Tenchi said hurriedly.  "That's not what I'm 
saying at all!" he protested as Ryoko and Sasami grinned at his 
	"Well then, what _are_ you saying?" Ayeka asked 
	Tenchi nervously tapped two fingers together as he 
carefully thought of his reply.  "Ah, I'm just saying that you 
might have picked the wrong dress off the rack, one that had been 
made for a larger woman."
	"So," Ayeka said distinctly.  "You're saying that this 
dress was made for someone... _bigger_."  
	Maybe if Tenchi had been paying closer attention to the 
emphasis she put on the last word instead of being relieved that 
a misunderstanding had been averted, he might not have sealed his 
	"Yes!  That's it exactly," he replied, relieved.
	Had this been a comedic Italian sketch, Ayeka would have 
cried 'That's it!' and proceeded to beat the tar out of him.  But 
its not, and she had her own way of dealing with Tenchi's 
	Deliberately invading his personal space, she looked deep 
into his eyes and said, "Bad Tenchi," in a low, throaty voice.
	He immediately froze.  "Bad Tenchi?"
	"Bad Tenchi," she agreed, nodding.  "When we get back, 
	He hung his head even as Ryoko and Sasami merrily chanted, 
"Tenchi got in trou~ble, Tenchi got in trou~ble," in a singsong 
	"Now," Ayeka continued, "since you seem to know so much 
about dress sizes, why don't you go pick something out?"
	Tenchi scrambled in his haste to do her bidding, drawing 
stares from across the department store.  Drawing on his own 
personal knowledge of what he liked to see her in, he soon picked 
out a nice long skirt and blouse combination, both decorated with 
falling cherry blossom petals.  Truth be told, he _didn't_ know 
her size, but it certainly looked like it would fit.
	He grabbed it and hastened back to where the girls were 
standing around discussing his predicament.  They fell silent at 
his approach, making him even more nervous as he gingerly handed 
the dress to Ayeka.
	"Well, it's certainly pretty.  But then, I already knew you 
had good taste," Ayeka said, smiling as she turned the cloth over 
in her hands, feeling of it's texture.
	Tenchi blushed and studied his hands, even as Ryoko laughed 
and Sasami giggled.
	"Now," she began, looking at the size tag, "to check the...  
What?  An eight?!"  She looked up again and fixed him with a cold 
look.  "Are you trying to say I've gained weight?"
	"Here we go again," Sasami commented.
	Ryoko nodded and went back into the changing room to try on 
another dress, unconsciously rubbing her posterior.  There was no 
stopping the princess when she got in one of those moods, a fact 
Ryoko knew all too well.
	Several hours and many stores later, everyone met in the 
aforementioned cafe.
	"There they are, Kiyone!" Mihoshi said excitedly to her 
partner, shifting her bag from one hand to another.
	"I see them, let's go on over," Kiyone replied casually, 
carrying her own large bag. 
	Tenchi and the girls waved when they saw the two, and 
quickly invited them to sit down.  Everyone already had a drink 
sitting before them.  "Hello, Mihoshi, Kiyone," he said, nodding 
to each in turn.  "How are you doing?"
	"Good, and you?" Kiyone asked politely.  "How are you 
holding up?"  There was no need for her to specify his problem.
	"I've been worse," Tenchi answered honestly.  He turned and 
signaled one of the waitresses.
	"Are you all having fun?" Mihoshi asked brightly.
	"Yep!  I bought some new manga, and Ayeka and Ryoko got 
some new clothes, and Ryoko got a fancy collar for Ryo-Ohki, and 
I got this really nice dress for this summer, and oh, I got this 
really neat video game!"  Sasami paused, thinking.  "And there 
was something else.  None of us knew, but maybe one of you have 
heard of it.  Tenchi found something in a gag gift store called 
soap-on-a-rope.  What's it for?"
	Kiyone shrugged.  "I don't know.  I've never heard of it 
	"But why would you want something like that?" she wondered.  
"No one else knew either."
	"I know!" answered Mihoshi.  "It's for people who are tired 
of having soap slip out of their hands and having to chase it."
	Everyone raised an eyebrow.
	"Didn't you ask the clerk?" Kiyone asked finally.
	Sasami nodded.  "He wouldn't say for sure, just that it was 
a gift for anyone that was going to jail."
	Ayeka shrugged elaborately, drawing attention to herself.  
"Probably another one of those useless inventions these Earth 
people make. It's a wonder Washu left, she fit right in.  Have 
you seen the hardhat with the suction cup on the back?  It's 
supposed to keep your head from falling forward when you fall 
asleep on the subway."
	Sasami perked up, but didn't say anything.
	Mihoshi nodded seriously.  "It really works, too!  Although 
since we've been working here I haven't ridden on the subway."
	Kiyone winced, then looked up at their waitress as she 
arrived.  "Hey, Sayuri.  About ready to get off your shift?" 
	"Oh, hey, Kiyone.  And you too, Mihoshi.  Yeah, only a 
little while left now.  What'll it be?" she asked, pulling out a 
notepad and a pen.
	After taking their orders, she hurried off.  "I'll be right 
back with your drinks," she called as she left.
	"Hey, we need you to send a message to Washu.  And a 
	"What kind of message, Ryoko?" Kiyone asked, looking over 
at her.  Up until now she'd been strangely silent.
	"You know we're going to go visit Ayeka's parents in a few 
weeks, right?" Ryoko explained.
	Both Kiyone and Mihoshi nodded.
	"Well, since it's on the way, and Ryo-Ohki gets tired on 
long flights, we figured we'd stop by at Washu's-"
	"Chan's new home," finished Ayeka before mouthing 'You owe 
me' at Ryoko.
	Predictably, Sasami giggled, despite the mild glare Ryoko 
directed at her.
	"Anyway," continued Ayeka, "We need you to send her a 
message saying we're coming.  It wouldn't do to drop by 
	"We wouldn't want to be rude," agreed Tenchi.
	"Of course, no problem," Mihoshi said, nodding.  "We can do 
that, easy."
	"Just a patch through the GP headquarters," seconded 
Kiyone.  "And the favor?"
	"Well," Ayeka replied, hesitating as the waitress set out 
their drinks, then continuing.  "We think that it would be a good 
idea for Sasami to have a little more time here on earth before 
visiting home.  She could enjoy a brief summer vacation while we 
get through the preliminary negotiations with Mother and Father."
	"Oh," Kiyone replied, nodding in understanding.  "You don't 
want her to catch any fallout."
	"That and my father and Grandfather have plans to take her 
to the beach.  I'm sure the two of you would be welcome as well," 
supplied Tenchi.  
	"And after a while we'd like for you to bring her home in 
Yagami.  I'm sure matters will be resolved by then."  (One way or 
the other,) Ayeka didn't add.
	"Oh, we'd get to take the trip with Sasami?" Mihoshi asked, 
excited.  "That'd be fun.  We could show you what it's like to be 
a Galaxy Police officer!"
	Sasami nodded.  "I'd like that.  But we can still have fun 
on Earth, too."
	"You may even like it so much that you join someday," 
Mihoshi continued, lost in her own imagination.  "I'm sure you'd 
pass the tests easily; you'd be a great officer, Sasami.  Of 
course, you'd have to grow up a bit first, you're a little too 
short to pass the physical right now..."
	"Mihoshi.  Hey, Mihoshi," Kiyone said patiently, grabbing 
her partner's arm to get her attention.  "Sasami is a princess.  
Prin-cess.  When she grows up she'll be ruling over an empire 
that controls the Galaxy Police in all but name."
	"Ohhh...  I see.  And if you joined the Galaxy Police 
people would accuse you of having only gotten there thanks to 
your family.  I get that all the time, but it's just not true.  I 
got here own my own."  Mihoshi paused.  "Well, with Kiyone's help 
too," she amended.
	"Yes, we would be glad to give Sasami a ride.  I'm sure 
there won't be any problems arranging it with headquarters, 
either," Kiyone said patiently, ignoring her partner.
	"Thank you."
	The rest of lunch passed quickly, and soon the two GP 
officers had to go back to work.  Their bags had turned out to 
contain waitress uniforms, and soon they were waiting tables and 
waving goodbye. 
	Tenchi and the girls were soon wandering the mall again, 
this time looking for a little fun.  And of course, being the 
only male in the group, not to mention the boyfriend of two of 
the girls present, Tenchi found himself carrying the entire load 
of goods.
	"Not that I mind or anything," he began, once the thought 
occurred to him.  "but since I'm being nice and obedient and 
carrying all of your packages, Oujo-sama, shouldn't that mean 
that I get out of the punishment?"  
	Tenchi had a fear of the newspaper even beyond that of the 
whip.  Of course, they each had their antithesis.  Ryoko went 
nicely submissive whenever either of the other two brought out 
the handcuffs, and Ayeka could be knocked over with a feather.  
Strangely enough, the very next day after Ryoko discovered that, 
every feather pillow in the house was mysteriously replaced by 
those filled with polyester stuffing.
	"No, no, no," she chided.  "Reward and punishment.  Two 
separate things.  If we allowed one to cancel out the other, why, 
you wouldn't have learned a thing.  You'll get your reward, but 
that simply comes after."
	Sasami nodded.  "Reward and punishment."
	"Don't worry, Tenchi," Ryoko cooed into his ear.  "I'll 
make sure it's not _too_ bad."  She giggled, then kissed his 
	Not to be outdone, Ayeka leaned over and kissed his other 
cheek.  That wasn't so bad, but when she grabbed his rear and 
squeezed he nearly dropped his load of packages.  "Yes, you 
shouldn't fret so much.  The reward will be extra sweet."
	A slow, stupid smile crawled across his face, and he had to 
be steered around obstacles.
	"Tenchi!" boomed a rough, nasal voice.  "Hey, how are you 
	He shook his head sharply, snapping himself out of it as 
everyone looked at the owner of the voice.  His classmate 
Amagasaki loomed large in his vision.  Very large.  "Amagasaki?  
	"And hello to you three," he continued without pause.  
"Tenchi, I saw these two girls kiss you back there, is one of 
them your girlfriend?"  This time he paused, silent, actually 
waiting for an answer.
	Tenchi sheepishly nodded and grinned, blushing.  "Umm, 
yeah, actually.  Both of them."	
	The three girls looked at the large boy with an appraising 
	His classmate's eyes got real big.  "Wow, hey, Tenchi, you 
never told us you had a girlfriend!  Much less two!  Wait till 
the guys back at school hear this!"
	Tenchi groaned.  (Not this, anything but this...)
	"No wonder you never paid any attention to those girls, and 
they were real cute too!" heedless of the two very nasty glares 
he had caused to be directed at Tenchi, he continued digging a 
hole for his friend.  "We all kinda thought you were gay or 
something.  Oh, well, I lost that betting pool.  Saichiro's gonna 
be happy though.  Hmm, I wonder if it counts?  I mean, you are 
dating two of them, maybe we can call it off.  Anyway, I'll see 
you at school tomorrow.  Later, Tenchi!"  Amagasaki roughly 
patted his friend on the shoulder, nearly causing him to drop 
everything, and continued his own trek through the mall.
	"Yeah..." replied Tenchi weakly.  "If there is a later..."
	"Oh, there's going to be a later all right," promised 
	"And you're going to tell us everything," vowed Ryoko.  
"Why you felt the need to keep us a secret, and most importantly, 
who are these girls and whether or not I need to kill them."
	"Look," began Tenchi desperately, "I can explain.  I didn't 
tell the guys because none of them would believe me and I don't 
like to brag, plus I didn't want to accidentally say anything 
about Jurai.  And you don't have to worry about the girls, there 
were only three of them that wanted to go out with me."
	Sasami raised an eyebrow at him.  "Wow, Tenchi.  You're in 
for it, aren't you?"
	His head sagged between his shoulders.
	Shopping continued, and eventually Sasami dragged them off 
to the arcade to play the latest video games.
	That fun lasted a while, until the various drinks they had 
consumed since that morning caught up with them and by mutual 
agreement they all sought the restrooms.
	Now, when the architects sit down and plan a mall, one of 
the first things they ask themselves is 'Where do we put the 
restrooms?'  And the answer, invariably, is 'In the most out of 
the way place possible.'
	Why this is no one really knows, although it is thought 
that perhaps the sight of a restroom will somehow distract 
shoppers and make them buy less.  Or perhaps they don't want 
valuable walkway-front space taken up by something as mundane as 
a restroom.  Or maybe it's that no store wants to be positioned 
right beside a restroom, never mind that it's the one place in a 
mall people are guaranteed to walk by if they stay in there long 
	The Shinjuku-ko mall had several restrooms in fact, and 
every one of them was down a narrow, dimly lit corridor leading 
off one of the main areas.  Tenchi and the girls were lucky, 
there just happened to be a little-used one branching off the 
arcade.  Several right angle turns later, past locked doors, 
humming machinery, and the back way into many different stores, 
the narrow corridor suddenly doubled in width, providing a little 
cubbyhole for two pay phones, a water fountain, and two 
	Tenchi considered for a moment, then spoke up.  "You three 
go on, I'll stay out here and guard our bags.  I don't want to 
set them down and turn my back."
	The girls nodded assent without argument, being in no 
little hurry.  They disappeared.
	Tenchi stood against the wall idly, watching people come 
and go and listening to oddly soothing music playing over bad 
speakers.  Most of the traffic seemed to be young boys from the 
arcade.  Three of them hurried down the hall towards him, quickly 
ducking into the bathroom.  Two more emerged from within, also in 
a hurry to get back to the games.
	Tenchi whistled an aimless tune to himself, looking around.  
The walls and floor were made of the same smooth brown tile, 
which had a slightly greasy feel that made it uncomfortable to 
walk on.  A rolling mop bucket sat beside him, and the handle to 
the mop lay propped against the wall beside him.  The head 
appeared to have been removed, and judging by appearances the 
janitor was inside a barely open door a little further on, 
probably getting more cleaning supplies.  That little mystery 
soon wore thin, and Tenchi sighed and squirmed.  Just what was 
taking the girls so long, anyway?  He needed to go, too.
	He started, standing straighter as the door to the women's 
restroom opened, disgorging a loose group of women, most of which 
quickly disappeared down the hall.  He leaned back, disappointed.  
There must have been a line in there.
	Two of the girls, both about his own age and dressed in 
similar blouse/skirt combinations, didn't follow the rest of the 
group.  One quickly picked up the pay phone and started putting 
yen in the slot while the other copied Tenchi against the wall.  
She smiled and nodded to him, which he returned.
	Lacking anything else to do, he glanced over at the 
newcomer.  She was a bit shorter than him, with dark hair cut 
short of her shoulders.  She shifted her own shopping bag and 
noticed his look, giving him an appraising look of her own.  
Apparently liking what she saw, she continued her earlier 
greeting.  "Hello, I'm Sayuka."
	"Hello," he replied.  "I'm Tenchi.  Nice to meet you."  
Then, all too aware of what would be the result if Ayeka or Ryoko 
walked out and found him talking to a strange girl, he kind of 
coughed and turned away.
	The girl wasn't to be put off so easily.
	Rather boldly, she pressed on.  "Are you waiting for 
	"Umm, yeah," he replied, leaving it at that.
	"Well, of course you are.  You wouldn't be standing out 
here for fun, would you?"
	Her friend glanced up from the phone, then returned to her 
own conversation without comment.
	"Umm, no," Tenchi replied again.
	Sayuka stepped closer.  "Don't talk much, do you?  Come on, 
don't be shy.  You're too cute to be shy."
	(Ohboy.  I hope the girls don't walk in on this,) thought 
Tenchi.  "Oh, you know, just... waiting."  Thankfully, the 
opening of the janitorial door diverted their attention.  They 
both looked up at the quartet of men who emerged, all wearing 
dark trenchcoats over their equally dark clothes and large, 
bulging backpacks over that.
	"Hey, kids," one of them began, as another one trotted down 
the hall away from the entrance.  "You need to get out of here.  
We're going to be moving machinery through here and we don't need 
you in the way."
	"Okay, can you give us a minute?  I'm waiting for someone 
in the bathroom," replied Tenchi as he gathered up his bags.  He 
sighed mentally.  It looked like it would be a while before he 
got to use the facilities.
	Sayuka tapped her friend on the shoulder and gestured to 
the man, motioning for the conversation to be ended quickly.
	"That's fine," the man replied.  "Just make it quick."  He 
turned to one of the others.  "You, go down the hall and stop 
other people from coming back here.  We'll handle this end.  
Remember, ten minutes."
	The man nodded abruptly before trotting down the hall to do 
his job.
	Sayuka couldn't help but notice the way his trenchcoat, 
hurriedly tied and more loose than the others, flapped as he 
moved.  Although not noticeable from any other angle, she was 
provided with a brief but clear view of the inside of the 
trenchcoat.  Involuntarily, she dropped her bag and gaped in 
surprise, her hands going to her throat.  "Was that a gun?" she 
asked aloud, far, far too loudly.
	"Shit!"  The man stopped immediately, turning and drawing 
his weapon to point at her.  The other two had already drawn 
theirs to cover Tenchi and the other girl.
	"Why, yes, it is," replied the leader in a deceptively 
conversational voice, pointing a cheap .38 revolver at her torso.  
"Why do you ask?"
	(This isn't happening,) Tenchi thought, dropping his bags 
and slowly raising his hands into the air at the gunman's 
command.  (This can't be real.  No one has a gun here.  This kind 
of thing just doesn't happen.)
	Despite the surreal feeling the situation created in the 
three shoppers, the men remained very much there and pointing 
guns at them.	
	"Alright!" exulted the last man.  "I knew I was going to 
kill some consumers today!"  He said 'consumers' in the same tone 
of voice someone else might say 'blood-sucking parasites'.
	"Calmly, calmly, and no one gets hurt.  You, hang up the 
phone, now."  To the first man he said, "Put that away and go 
guard the entrance.  We've got this covered."
	"I know who you are," said Sayuka's friend, placing the 
phone back on the hook.  "You're those crazy commies who keep 
bombing malls!"
	"Hey," hissed Tenchi.  "Don't call the nice man with the 
gun a crazy commie!"
	"A very good policy that is.  Such a smart boy.  We need 
people that smart in this movement.  Maybe..." he said 
appraisingly, looking Tenchi over.  Seeing him standing there 
with his arms raised amid the bags and boxes of consumer goods he 
had been carrying caused the gunman to reluctantly shake his 
head.  "No, you're far to indoctrinated into the capitalist 
mentality.  Just look at all those bags, purchased no doubt by 
the sweat of the workers.  Tsk, tsk, tsk."
	Tenchi reluctantly concluded that protesting that he was 
just carrying them for his girlfriends was probably a bad idea.  
	The squeaking of a laden cart started coming closer from 
behind him.  He paid it no mind.  "In fact, you have it wrong.  
We've never bombed anything.  We usually just release nerve 
toxins or biological agents into the ventilation system, usually 
with good results.  I think we even made the news once or twice, 
kind of unusual considering the lockdown the government has on 
it."  He paused to let that sink in before continuing.  
	"We've got a lovely variety of anthrax for you today, 
acquired rather cheaply from the Russians.  They're practically 
giving the stuff away."  He halted once again, studying their 
horrified expressions, and keeping them under guard as the cart 
trundled up and into the open janitor door.  
	The three men pushing it glanced at the hostage scene, but 
continued about their assigned task.  Various hard to identify 
sounds started coming from the open door as they presumably 
started hooking the long flexible tubes the cart had been 
festooned with to the big tank in the center.   
	"Ah, but why am I telling you this?  You'll experience it 
soon enough.  And so will everyone else in the area.  Really, 
they need to have tighter security in these places if they expect 
to keep us from doing this.  Not cost effective, I suppose, and 
the people suffer as they always do."
	Just then, Sasami, Ayeka, and Ryoko stepped out of the 
women's restroom.  The gun was already pointed at them.
	Ayeka, quickly recognizing the weapon from Earth television 
shows, pushed Sasami behind her and instinctually activated her 
defenses.  They were all safe, but Tenchi was on his own.
	"Ah, girls, so glad you could join us.  Please put your 
hands up, by the way."  He gestured with his gun as they did so, 
motioning for them to move completely out of the restroom door.  
"We're going to be releasing deadly anthrax bacteria into the 
mall in roughly..." he checked his watch.  "three and a half 
minutes."  He nodded at them.  "I suggest you say your tearful 
goodbyes to each other now, and start begging for you lives.  It 
won't do any good, but hey, no one ever accused consumers of 
having any dignity."
	"Sheesh, who is this moron and why won't he shut up?" Ryoko 
complained from behind Ayeka's invisible, impenetrable shield.
	Tenchi had an idea.  "He's a member of a terrorist group," 
he replied as the man started getting angry.  "Some of his men 
just took a big tank full of bacteria into that room over there," 
he nodded in the direction, mindful of the other man's gun still 
pointed at him, "and if they open it we all die."  Hopefully, 
Ryoko would get the idea.
	"Oh, maybe I should talk to them?" she replied, all sugar 
and sweetness.  "I'm sure I could talk them out of it."
	"I doubt it," replied the man easily, setting down his bag 
and covering them as his companion did likewise.  "We're on a 
mission for the people.  We're going to overthrow this corrupt 
government and make some changes to free the oppressed working 
class.  And there's nothing you can do about it," he said, 
grinning as he pulled out a mask with one hand.  Several tubes 
ran back to the backpack, dragging the ground where he knelt.  
Again, the other man did so as well.
	Ayeka studied him with interest.  "Oh, so you're one of 
those crazy communists I've heard about on the news?  Fancy 
meeting you here.  I've always wondered about that funny idea you 
people have, as every truly _civilized_ being knows that an 
enlightened monarchy with a powerful and well-educated ruling 
class is the most stable and inherently desirable form of 
	Of course, Ayeka was biased.
	"Die bitch!" yelled the other man, apparently rather 
sensitive to slights on his ideals of government.  He swung his 
gun to shoot, coincidently leaving Tenchi and the other two girls 
	Just then the leader's wristwatch started beeping, 
indicating time to put on their oxygen masks.  "Damn!  Masks!" he 
yelled, putting his over his head with one hand.
	But the other man paid him no heed.  He had time, and he 
was going to kill the stuck-up bitch first.  Given his angle, and 
the haste with which he seemed to be aiming, he could have hit 
any of the three.  
	The mop handle that thwacked across the top of his hand, 
broke his thumb, aimed the gun at the ground, knocked it from his 
hand, and was directed with considerable force into the throat of 
the briefly blind leader prevented any of that.  Another quick, 
well-practiced kendo move disarmed the leader as well, even as he 
gagged and squirmed on the floor, and the handle was broken 
across the back of the other man's head, sending him sprawling, 
unconscious on the floor.
	Later, Tenchi belatedly realized that he had been the one 
to swing the mop handle.  And he had been highly pissed.
	Ryoko had disappeared almost instantly, and a small but 
intense explosion shook the ground beneath them.
	The other two girls fainted.
	"Ryoko!" Tenchi called, grabbing her with one hand as she 
materialized in front of her.  "Another one is just up the hall!"
	Ryoko disappeared even as Ayeka stepped into the hall in 
the other direction, the expanded sphere of her power forcing the 
cramped and narrow corridor into a new shape.  Almost casually, 
she slammed the two men into the wall and pressed them there.  No 
bullets would be coming by her, and any reinforcements had better 
run while they could.  Ryoko could handle the other direction. 
	Tenchi's first instinct was to run to her, hug her, and ask 
if she was alright.  After rebounding painfully from her shield 
and being sent to the floor, he settled for grabbing Sasami into 
a tight hug, soothing the now trembling girl. 
	Ryoko returned quickly, dumping another unconscious body on 
the floor.  "I didn't have time to do anything but vaporize the 
tank," she explained.  "But we're safe."
	"Good," replied Tenchi.  "If they had any reinforcements, 
I'm sure they ran after the explosion.  Maybe the cops will think 
that they had a bomb attached and it went off.  What about the 
other men?"
	Ryoko shrugged.  "I was in a hurry."  That was all the 
explanation she would give.
	"Thanks, Ryoko," Tenchi replied, grabbing her into a hug 
with Sasami.  "Ayeka, are you okay?"
	"Yes, I'm quite alright," she replied, returning to them 
and joining the group hug.  "Sasami?  Are you okay?"
	"I-I-'m fine.  Just a little scared, I guess," she replied, 
	"That's okay, we're fine now," soothed Tenchi.  "I was 
scared, too.  I still am, really.  But we'll be okay.  The police 
will be here soon."  He stood back from the three and ran over to 
the other two girls, propping them against the wall.
	He was moving Sayuka when he saw her eyelids flutter.  "Are 
you okay?  Did you hit your head?" he asked, concerned.
	She blinked rapidly and sat up, holding one hand to her 
head.  "What?" she asked, looking around and spying the 
unconscious men.  "You..." she started, unable to believe her 
eyes.  "You saved me."  Then her eyes focused in on his.  "My 
hero!" she cried, clutching at him and pursing her lips for a 
	The tender moment was ruined almost instantly as she was 
ripped from him and all but flung bodily down the hall.
	"No, he's OUR hero!" Ayeka corrected loudly, grabbing 
	"Yeah," Ryoko growled, also grabbing onto him.  "So back 
	Sayuka stared in a mixture of anger, disappointment, and 
astonishment as the two girls proceeded to shower him with praise 
and kisses.
	"You were really amazing, Tenchi!" Ryoko told him.  "After 
all that practice with your grandfather, you're really good!"
	"Yes, that was so brave, Tenchi!  You saved us!" 
	He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.  "I just, 
you know, couldn't let him _shoot_ at you!"
	"Thank you, Tenchi," Sasami said, taking his hand with her 
small one.  "You were a real hero."
	He struggled to keep the goofy smile off his face.  "Yes, 
well, I couldn't have done it without you two.  Thank you, Ryoko, 
	"Yes, thank you very much, Ryoko," Ayeka agreed, but Tenchi 
	"And not that I don't enjoy this, but could you please let 
me go?" Tenchi asked plaintively.  "I really do need to use the 
	They all laughed and let go, allowing him to stand.
	And, of course, that's when the police arrived and the 
questioning started.
	The police took statements from everyone.  Apparently, the 
terrorists had attached a thermite bomb to their tank of bacteria 
in case they suddenly needed to ditch the evidence and it had 
accidentally went off, killing several of them while fortunately 
vaporizing the bacteria.
	Ryoko looked oddly proud.  And while Tenchi wasn't happy 
about the loss of life, he certainly wasn't about to complain.
	That had distracted the two holding them hostage, allowing 
Tenchi to do a very brave and very stupid thing like knocking 
them all unconscious with a mop handle.  Then, when their guard 
had come running back, he had been so surprised that Tenchi had 
managed to knock him unconscious as well.  Their interrogator 
spent much of his time chewing Tenchi out for being a 'damned 
hero wannabe', until Ayeka and Ryoko were forced to step forward 
and he was forced to step back.
	The news media soon arrived and interviewed them all once 
the police were through, until they were stopped by the police 
and made to vacate the premises.  The Shinjuku-ko mall was closed 
until a thorough sweep was made to make sure there were no other 
nasty surprises, and all of the remaining men were taken away.
	And yes, Tenchi was eventually allowed to use the restroom.
	"Ahh, it's so great to be home," Tenchi enthused as the 
group of very tired people finally trooped through the front door 
with all their packages.
	"I wonder if we're going to be on the news?" wondered 
Ryoko.  "I've been on the news before, but usually while they 
said 'Have you seen this person?  If so, call the Galaxy Police 
at...'"  She paused and called for Ryo-Ohki to show her the 
	Ayeka smiled wanly.  "Well, I for one simply look forward 
to a bath and some sleep.  Who knew that terrorists could be so 
exhausting?"  She turned to see Ryo-Ohki scamper in and jump into 
Ryoko's arms.
	Everyone took the time to pet and say hello to Ryo-Ohki, 
who miyahed happily at the attention.  She liked her present, 
too, but Ryoko told her that it was only to wear on a special 
occasion and that she should put it up.  Ryo-Ohki took it in her 
mouth and ran off.
	"I think that was the police," Tenchi reminded as they all 
entered the living room and plopped down on the couch.
	"Ah, yes.  That's true," she agreed ruefully.  
	Ryoko turned the TV on and started channel surfing.  "Well, 
I'm still impressed, Tenchi.  You really kept your cool out 
there.  I'd be glad to have you in my raiding party any day."
	He blushed.  "Aww, thanks.  I just did what I had to do."
	"Much more than you had to, my love."  Ayeka patted his 
leg.  "And we're all thankful for it."
	Tenchi brightened.  
	"But that doesn't mean you're getting out of your 
	He drooped.
	"Hey, hey!  We're on!" exclaimed Ryoko excitedly, gesturing 
for them to turn their attention to the TV.
	"Earlier today, police caught several members of the 
'People's Coalition Against Capitalist Exploitation' as they were 
attempting to release deadly bacteria into the air of a local 
mall.  Officials say that they expect to capture the rest of the 
organization shortly, and that there is little threat from them 
in the future."  The announcer smiled warmly.  "And in other 
news, the Tokyo Zoo is buzzing with excitement today over its 
latest acquisition.  Ping-Ping, an endangered giant panda from 
China, arrived earlier today and was put in her new home, where 
she's now resting comfortably.  Let's hear from Miko at the zoo."
	"What?!  They cut us out in favor of some dumb bear?"  
Ryoko growled and clenched her hands into fists.  "The whole 
world should hear of Tenchi's bravery!"
	Ayeka just sighed philosophically.  "I'd imagine that it 
would hurt the mall's reputation to be associated with a 
terrorist attack and they had the news hush it up.  It's not 
	"But...  But they interviewed us and everything!"
	"There there, Ryoko," Tenchi consoled, wrapping one arm 
around her.  "I'm sorry you didn't get on the news like you 
wanted.  But I'm kind of relieved.  I'll have enough rumors 
flying around at school as it is."
	"Oh, yeah!" Sasami exclaimed suddenly, snapping her 
fingers.  "You didn't say Washu-chan earlier today, Ayeka!"
	"Whppa?!  Kappa!" 
	Tenchi and Ryoko stared, mouths agape, at the short 
greenish creature now sharing the couch with them.
	"You remember," Sasami said patiently.  "When we were in 
the cafe and you were talking about the weird inventions, like 
the hat."  
	The kappa frowned and shook its head. 
	Sasami nodded.  "Yep, you did.  I heard it.  And then you 
caught Ryoko when she was about to forget right after that."
	The kappa turned and fixed Ryoko with a steely glare.
	She couldn't help it.  Ryoko giggled.
	Judging by Ayeka's expression, at least, that which those 
not used to the expressions of kappa creatures could read, she 
didn't think it was funny at all.
	In fact, she jumped down off the couch and ran from the 
	Ryoko, Tenchi, and Sasami exchanged a look.
	Ayeka-kappa ran back into the room on her short little 
legs, now brandishing a large rolled-up newspaper.  She shook it 
furiously at both Tenchi and Ryoko, who paled.
	Everyone stopped, considering their options.  Tenchi eyed 
the door, Ryoko eyed the ceiling, Ayeka eyed them both, and 
Sasami just watched it all, giggling silently.
	And then, everything happened at once.
	A little later...
	"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!  Hahhah, I'll pay more attention 
next time!"  It was just newspaper, after all.
	"But you weren't that time, were you?!  You thought it was 
funny!  You _laughed_!"
	"I'm sorry!  Really I am!  Hahaheh, really!  I didn't mean 
it!  NO!  Not the creAAAGH!"
	"Who's laughing now?!  Who's laughing now?!"
	As a matter of fact, Sasami was.
	"Looks like Princess Ayeka is disciplining Miss Ryoko 
again," commented Azaka to his fellow giant floating log as they 
listened to the faint screams the night air carried to them where 
they stood guard at the gate. 
	"Certainly sounds that way," Kamidake agreed.  "I thought I 
heard Lord Tenchi run from the house a little earlier, although 
it was a little late for a jog.  Perhaps this is the reason?"
	"Quite possibly.  Although Princess Ayeka is likely to take 
a dim view of anyone skipping out on their punishment."
	They both paused.
	"Lord Tenchi is in trou~ble.  Lord Tenchi is in trou~ble," 
they both chorused in a singsong voice.
	"Hmm, hmmm hmmm hmmmhmmhmm hmnmhmmhmmhmmnnhmmmm..."  Washu 
hummed cheerily to herself, tinkering idly with a nameless wafer-
thin board.
	"Washu-chan!  You've got an incoming message!" chirped the 
Washu-bot that appeared on her left shoulder.
	"A message?  From the outside?" Washu wondered, setting the 
circuit board aside.  She flexed her hands in a subtle command, 
bringing up a holographic screen to display the prerecorded 
	Kiyone and Mihoshi's faces appeared before her.  
	"Hello, Washu-chan!" Mihoshi chirped brightly, having been 
thouroughly coached beforehand.
	Washu smiled.  It was so thoughtful of them to call her 
	"Yes, hello, Washu-chan," started Kiyone.  "How are you?  
We'd all love to hear from you."
	Mihoshi interrupted her.  "How is your work going?  Do you 
like your new planet?  Did you really get sucked into a black 
hole for three weeks like Ryoko says?"
	Washu reflexively made a warding sign and fervently hoped 
not.  Mihoshi always threw her plans out of whack.
	"Aha, ahah ha, she's just kidding," Kiyone hastily assured 
her.  "Anyway, Tenchi, Ayeka, and Ryoko asked us to send you this 
message."  She carefully unfolded a piece of paper and began to 
read from it.  
	"Most cordial greetings, Washu-chan," Kiyone began.
	Despite listening to Kiyone's voice as she heard it, Washu 
could very easily picture the prim princess saying those very 
	"As you know, Tenchi, Ryoko, and myself wish to join 
together in most holy matrimony.  Tenchi's father and grandfather 
have already given their blessings, and Ryoko's family cannot be 
found, but to proceed any further we must consult with my own 
father and mother."
	Kagato's hands clenched together at this new relevation as 
it appeared on his own screen, convienently tapped into Washu's 
as it was.  He took several deep breaths and forced himself to 
watch more. 
	"In about ten days Tenchi will be given a vacation from 
school and we will be leaving in Ryo-Ohki to visit my parents.  
Ryoko says that Ryo-Ohki doesn't like long trips, and is not 
really sutiable for them either, so we will be making short jumps 
from system to system.  As your planet, Washu-chan Prime is 
within our flight path, we would very much enjoy the opportunity 
to stop by and visit for a short while."
	"Tenchi Masaki?  Here?!  It's PERFECT!" Kagato exclaimed 
excitedly.  "Oh, the comparisons and final tuning I could make!  
Current brain scans!  Current metabolism maps!  Oh, and the 
conversations we could have," Kagato paused, lost in some private 
daydream.  He shook himself back to reality.  "But I'm not 
ready..." he trailed off, then halted, plan after plan racing 
through his head.  "Actually, I think I am.  Hmmm..."  He smiled.  
"Oh Washuuu-CHAN, I've got something for you..."  He rose from 
his floating seat and left his quarters with great purpose.
	"Please respond quickly.  The Galaxy Police will be more 
than happy to forward your message to Yagami, and we can receive 
it from there.  Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you once 
again."  Kiyone bowed deeply, folding the message and tucking it 
back in a pocket.
	"Visitors!  Oh, I'd love to show them around," exclaimed 
Washu to herself, mentally composing a reply.
	"Thank you, Washu-chan, we look forward to your reply," 
Kiyone finished for herself, bowing again.
	"Bye, Washu-chan!  See you later!" chirped Mihoshi, 
bouncing slightly and waving.
	The message ended.
	Katsuhito: In the next chapter of Aurora of Rainbow Fire, 
Tenchi is called upon to pay for his behavior, as is Ryoko.  
	Ayeka: This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.
	Mihoshi: That's true!  
	Kiyone: Also, Mihoshi and I are actually called on to do 
some police work.  But then everything goes wrong!
	Mihoshi: Don't blame me!
	Katsuhito: So stay tuned for the next chapter of Aurora of 
Rainbow Fire, Reward and Punishment.
	Kiyone: It's quite kinky.