"Um, Lina?"
"Yes, Gourry?"
"Why are we supposed to blow this place up? They don't look like bandits to me," the tall swordsman asked, scanning the small group of houses and surrounding green fields with an expert eye. Both he and Lina were well hidden at the top of a hill nearby, watching the farmers below.
Lina sighed, remembering their meeting with their current employer.
"Ah, the infamous and well endowed Lina Inverse," greeted the smarmy little pencil pusher. "And her large, ahem, traveling companion. Just the people I wanted to see."
"Don't push your luck, pal," Lina growled. "Just what is so important that you had to interrupt MY dinner?"
The official smiled nervously, losing his condescending attitude. "Terribly sorry, Miss Inverse, but it is important. My life is at stake, so to speak. South of here is a small village known only for its one crop which is used to make ropes. Due to various... abuses of this crop, the king has outlawed its production and ordered all supplies destroyed. There has been resistance to this edict." He shifted nervously.
"I was told to have it immediately destroyed for them, or else. Unfortunately, the treasury is empty, and we can't afford to call out the army. And it would take an army, or at least the work of a powerful sorceress such as yourself, to destroy that much."
Lina snorted. "If you're out of money, why are you bothering me? I'm not cheap you know."
The official held his hands up placating. "Please, Miss Inverse, hear me out. While we can't afford to give you money in return, perhaps something can be arranged?"
In response to some hidden signal, a castle servant arrived bearing a tray of sweet cakes and offered them to the two adventurers.
After a little chewing, Gourry, who hadn't been paying attention, said, "Mmm! These are pretty good! Got any more?"
Lina nodded, still chewing.
Gesturing expansively to the sweets, the official continued. "We have the finest chefs in the land. I'm sure we can arrange for an all you can eat feast fit for a king in return for your-"
"Deal!" Lina agreed enthusiasticly, shaking his hand.
"I already told you, noodle brain! We're getting a reward for this job! Food, and lots of it!"
"But why these people?" he asked, puzzled. "They haven't hurt anyone, have they? And they haven't been robbing people."
Lina shrugged. "Maybe not, but that official said that they're growing an illegal crop and selling it in the cities. Either way, we're getting fed!"
"But..." Gourry began.
"Oh, alright," she replied, exasperated. "We'll give them a chance to cooperate before we set them on fire along with the weeds. Happy?"
"Oh, okay," he said, nodding happily. "As long as we don't hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it."
They both stood and walked boldly into the town square, hoping to gather the people and explain the situation. While the people were friendly, those who noticed them, anyway, no one questioned them.
Using Gourry's wide shoulders as a platform, Lina started shouting for attention. "People! Your attention, please!"
One, a large man reclining on a bulging sack, lifted his head to stare at her.
Taking this as an encouraging sign, she continued. "According to the rulers of this land, you are all breaking the law! We have been sent here to destroy you!"
That got some attention, as people started murmuring and looking frightened.
"Umm, Lina?" Gourry reminded. "You said you were going to give them a chance?"
"Oops!" Lina said, blushing. "I mean, we have been sent here to destroy your crops!"
Instantly, the people went from frightened to furious.
One, a dark skinned man with braided hair, spoke out. "Hey, mon! What you be messin' with us fo? We ain' done nuthin'!"
"The king said to destroy these crops, and so that's what we're going to do! Be grateful we're not the army, they would have destroyed your homes as well! We don't want any unnecessary violence!"
"Just do what she says and no one will get hurt!" added Gourry helpfully.
Although angry, they were a peace loving group and soon settled down. One asked, "What do you want us to do?"
Lina looked over the town square until she found suitable demonstration material. "You there!" she cried, pointing at a group standing near a laden wagon. "Move it or lose it!" Barely waiting for them to move, she cast a fire spell. "Flare bit!"
The wagon burned nicely, causing people to back away quickly. "Dude..." one commented.
Hopping down from her perch, she and Gourry made a tour of the village, fireballing drying sheds and using flare arrow on small plots. Gaav flare took care of the fields. Then they moved on to cleanup, catching all that they had missed.
A few hours later, Gourry threw one last bale onto a bonfire in the center of the town and beat a hasty retreat back to where Lina was standing. Strangely, the people seemed drawn to the fire.
"That's the last of it," Gourry said, dusting his hands.
"Ah," Lina sighed happily. "The sweet smell of success." Abruptly she broke into a coughing fit.
"Funny," Gourry replied, sniffing the air, "All I can smell is smoke." He took his own turn coughing as Lina elbowed him in the gut.
"Come on, Gourry. We're through here, and our feast awaits! Raywing!"
And the villagers just smiled and waved. Sitting there on that sack of seeds.
Although they didn't know it at the time, they had even managed to get some measure of revenge for their destroyed crop, as a few hours later, Lina and Gourry, both half crazed from the munchies, descended on the poor capital city.