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6/22/05 Ho~ly crap! That's a delay in updating! More at some point. I'll be updating this stuff later. Maybe next week, maybe not. Oh, and Aurora of Rainbow Fire IS done. Finally. Everything is on the TMFFA at the moment. Hehehe! I just celebrated my two year anniversary with my wife yesterday, and the marriage was noted in the entry below! 5/04/03 Aiyah... What a long time in between updates. First, I'd like to apologize to everyone I haven't sent any C&C to on the FFML and TMFFA. Although I'll be honest and admit I never had any intention of sending C&C to everyone, I've seriously fallen down on the job of writing C&C for some people I really really really really want to for. Second, I'd like to apologize to everyone who has come by this site to check for new material in the past four months. I've also rather fallen down on the job of writing and updating. I suck. -_- Life's been a little busy lately, though. Final semester in college, work, spending time with my fiancee, and numerous other assorted day to day tasks which keep me busy and happy, yet leave no time to write/read/comment/whatnot. Still, though, I guess I can't complain. I'm getting married on June 21st to the girl I love! Special thanks go out to Roland Mullock for support and telling me about some broken links. He's a nice guy, and a promising TM! author in his own right. He's working on a fic that's currently only a little smaller than Needful Things, and if he keeps it up he's going to be one of the authors to keep an eye out for. He's also been extremely patient with me as I poked around about sending him some C&C. Another person I'd like to direct some attention towards is Kenji Murasaki and his site, The Nexus. Go poke him into writing some more. Also, some people aren't aware that the martini in the logo picture above is actually a real drink. It's a customized version of something called an 'Apple Martini' (which is a darker green), and it's my most favorite drink in the whole world. Just for kicks, let's call it the Fanservice Martini Combine the following 3 parts vodka 3 parts Sour Apple Puckers (basically, granny smith apple schnapps, or any apple liqour) 1 part sweet and sour mix and a liberal dash of pineapple juice in a martini shaker and shake well. Serve in a chilled martini glass with a cherry. Toast the most beautiful girl in the room and enjoy, but very carefully.
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