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Contents presented to you in no particular order:
The Space Pirate's Guild Dave Menard's site. Quite a variety, and it's all good. He's got talent in many, many areas, and a good eye for detail besides.
Kenji's Nexus Kenji's fanfiction, which covers a wide variety of things. Go check it out.
LoveStruck: Seven Days Now THIS is fanservice. Angels, Succubi, demons, and a trash talkin' Virgin Mary are all confusing the hell out of a poor Detective. Go read this original story, yo.
Kumiko the Demon-Girl. A fun-filled lime original fic that's finally bringing respect to anime/manga style original works. Written by Ammadeau, I highly suggest you read it.
Chris Jone's fanfiction The Virus. Nine inches of passion spice. The furo follies. Hot and cold running Ranma. And more, but I'm tired of listing them. Go read them, they're some of the best in fanservice. Lemons, limes, and almost innocent.
Vacation Days. Shock! Horror! It's not a lemon or a lime! At least, not really. But it _is_ a damned fun read. Mihoshi and Tenchi take a little vacation together, but anything involving Mihoshi turns into an adventure, whether Tenchi wants it or not. By DB Sommer.
The Devil and Miss Mihoshi. Another fine fic by DB Sommer. The Devil sets his sights on Mihoshi's soul. Hilarity ensues. Somewhat limeish.
Those who hunt ninjas. And yet another by DB. Ranma and co are hired to prevent the theft of a sacred urn by three ninja-girls. Akane and Shampoo insist they are not lesbians.
Onna-Tenchi Muyo! Washu reads one too many Ranma mangas, and Tenchi suffers the consequences. Katsuhito thinks it's funny as hell. Mild lime. Also by DF Roeder.
The more things change/Pursuit of happiness Rod M's Ryoga&Ukyo matchup. Very long, funny as all hell, and amazingly well done. Not quite finished, but he insists that he will one day.
Children of an Elder God Oooh, Rod M's and John Bile's Neon Genesis Evangelion/Call of Cthulu fusion. Funny, scary, disturbing, violent, it runs the list. Very well done too, I eagerly await new chapters.
Pastpresent. Tales from a younger Genma. Also funny as hell, disturbing, and sorta sad. By Susan Doenime.
Should an old aqquaintance be forgot. DB's previous project, a Dirty Pair/Iria, Zeiram the animation crossover. Right up there with the best of his works, but it's not completed yet. He WAS working on it.
The Shadow Chronicals. Mark Mackinnon's Ranma continuation fic. Heh, hell of an understatement there. Very good, funny, dramatic, interesting, if you havn't read it, you're seriously missing something here.
Paradise Lost. A Ranma 1/2 \ NGE fusion. Ryoga as an EVA pilot? Heh, this is pretty damned funny. By Andy Kent.
Quick and Dirty FFML Author Links page. Go look for them yourself.
One of these days I'll add some more, too. You want something specific linked or archived, email me.